Archery After School

For information regarding current and upcoming archery sessions, be sure to join our mailing list by sending an email to "Ben @ aimhigharchery . com" (no spaces)


Archery After School

Contact: Ben @ aimhigharchery . com (no spaces) for scheduling details

Come and give it a shot!
The skills needed to succeed will test and challenge your discipline, ability to focus, and problem-solving abilities. Classes include character-building life lessons during a fun-filled time as archers aim for bulls-eyes in archery and

Open to students grades 4-6, from any district, home-schooled, private, etc.
Location: Bluffsview Elementary (7111 Linworth Rd 43235)
This is a joint effort by Aim High Archery and Worthington Schools After School Program.


Beginner Archery

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Beginner Archery: For those with little or no experience or maybe even have shot some at a camp, with scouts, 4H, etc. If looking for a fun and thorough 1st-time experience and/or a more in-depth intro to archery, then this is for you! Includes range safety, scoring, etiquette, technique, basic equipment maintenance, and more! Archers will enjoy International and 3D archery while playing skill-building games in a positive, safe, and fun environment! Most who complete this are ready for Archery Games or Archery League.

Archery Games

Archery Games (Level 2/Experienced): For those who've had comprehensive and formal instructions, have experience shooting on a range with others, understand formal range safety and procedures, and have shot more than a few hours at a camp or in a friend's backyard. A thorough in-school unit qualifies. Most shooting is from 10M. This popular session includes International 3D archery, friendly competitions and a variety of fun skill-building games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Climb-The-Mountain, Blackjack, King/Queen of the Hill, and Shrinking Target Sabotage! Although this involves games it is NOT for beginners.

⇒ Click HERE to Register for Games Thursdays   


IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! Due to the nature of archery, it is critical for the safety of all participants that all archers are independent, able to self-monitor, follow multiple-step instructions, and use good self-control. We would like for everyone to be able to participate safely so if your child MIGHT require special or more attention than the average student you can still register your child if you can provide assistance in the form of a parent or aide AND notify us at registration. If this is not possible, Aim High Archery can possibly provide an assistant for your child for an additional fee if given proper notification. Safety is our primary concern so we enforce a strict set of rules in a very controlled environment to ensure physical and emotional safety for everyone. For the enjoyment of your child and for the safety of others please contact us prior to registering if your child might have issues focusing. These rules meet safety standards set by NAA, NASP, and USA Archery. Aim High Archery reserves the right to remove any participants who contribute to creating a physically unsafe or emotionally unsafe environment.



Contact Ben for more information regarding after-school archery classes.


Archery Games/League Combo

Experienced Archers Only! 4th - 6th grades. (Bluffsview 3rd graders ok)

Archers will choose Games or leagues during the first class.

Archery Games (Level 2/Experienced): For those who've had comprehensive and formal instructions, have experience shooting on a range with others, understand formal range safety and procedures, and have shot more than a few hours at a camp or in a friend's backyard. A thorough in-school unit qualifies. Most shooting is from 10M. This popular session includes International 3D archery, friendly competitions and a variety of fun skill-building games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Climb-The-Mountain, Blackjack, King/Queen of the Hill, and Shrinking Target Sabotage! Although this involves games it is NOT for beginners.

Archery League (Level 2/Experienced): Same requirements as Archery Games. Includes a weekly shoot and will have 2 divisions: Gold (Level 3) for more advanced archery and Silver (Level 2) for those relatively new. Gold shoots from 10M and 15M while Silver shoots from 7.5M 12M. A handicapped scoring system is used and keeps competition tight. Genesis bows only. Awards to the top 5 in each division regardless of gender in 6th grade and below. Older archers can still shoot, they just cannot get an award.



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